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The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows His handiwork.
— King David, in Psalm 19:1
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Strong Foundations | ||
“Therefore whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house
on the rock: and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house;
A house built on a strong foundation will stand when the storms of life beat against it. Houses built by foolish men on weak foundations will fall; and great will be that fall (Matthew 7:24-27). Those who lose their houses will look around for a secure structure. We hope and pray they will find a house built on obedience to Jesus Christ. Our Father in heaven will be glorified and His kingdom advanced.
To this end, we have developed three resources: The Sayings of JesusIt is impossible to consistently obey what you do not know. Obedience to the sayings of Jesus is the foundation He is referring to at the end of His Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5:1-7:19, Luke 6:20-49). In that sermon, He communicates at least 34 “sayings”. We’ve written an article on each one. You can find them here. The Good Lord willing, we will one day group these all together in an eBook. You can help by asking questions, challenging my thinking and providing additional input. God speaks in community; even virtual community. I expect He will use you to make me a more faithful steward of the mysteries of God. The Lost FoundationsThe Lost Foundations is a new resource, developed for disciples and disciple makers who recognize the need for spiritual houses built on a strong foundation (Luke 6:47-49). Our contention is that many foundational truths have been lost to the church over the last one-hundred years. The primary purpose of this series is to encourage foundation inspection, discovery and repair. The primary purpose of this series is to encourage foundation inspection, discovery and repair. The videos you see below are from live online teaching sessions. IntroductionJesus Christ will not build His church on a poor or incomplete foundation. Given the weakness of the Western Church, perhaps it is time for us to inspect our foundation. Lesson 1 – Whose Story is It?Most in the church would agree that the Bible story is primarily about the LORD; that He is the main character. But is that the way we live out our faith in the Western church? Or, has the church in the West become self-centered; even humanistic?
Lesson 2 – The Fullness of the Gospel There is a fullness of the blessing of the gospel of Jesus Christ. It is more than any one person, fellowship or denomination knows; for God's ways and thoughts are far above our own. To know the fullness of the blessing, we must be willing to explore the meaning of the gospel beyond our comfortable doctrines and disciplines.
Lesson 3 – Counting the Cost...First The cost associated with being a follower of Jesus Christ is significant; yet most in the church have not considered the cost. Why? Because it is not being taught; nor presented when someone is making the decision to become a disciple. Jesus encouraged us to count the cost FIRST. This is a critical distinction. We harm and jeopardize new believers when we present a gospel that is cost-less.
Lesson 4 – The Commission is Great Making disciples has been called the Great Commission for a reason. It is filled with the greatness of the God’s purpose, plan and power for ministry. Through it, God’s children involve themselves in the greatness of God’s story. Out of it, His way, truth and life greatly impact the world – for His great glory, name and kingdom. If we really believe that Jesus has been given ALL authority; and we really believe that He has commissioned us to make disciples; why would we do anything else? Why would we settle for a less than commission? Lesson 5 – Repentance from Dead Works Repentance from dead works is the first of the elementary (and foundational) principles, found in Hebrews 6:1-2. Searching out the meaning of this first principle gives us insight into the way foundations are lost, partially taught or completely twisted in their meaning. Repentance from dead works is not turning away from the sins of your past. It is much, much more. Repentance is a process that continues throughout our maturation as followers of Jesus Christ. In this lesson, we explore how a Christian can participate, with the Holy Spirit, in this transformative process.
Lesson 6 – Faith Towards God Faith towards God may be the most elementary of the elementary principles. However, there is more here than you might expect; more than you may have been taught. The way the writer of Hebrews phrased this principle is interesting. Why not “faith in God”? His use of the word “towards” will be key to our gaining a full understanding of the principle.
Lesson 7 – The Doctrine of Baptisms There is one doctrine and four baptisms. Each baptism includes a work of God that is effectual in the process of our salvation. For those that understand this truth, the key question becomes, “What is God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit trying to accomplish; and how do I cooperate with that work?” Lesson 8 – The Laying on of Hands There are at least five Biblical purposes for the laying on of hands. Most are neglected/ignored by most in the church. Given the lack of Holy Spirit power, gifts and fruit in the church today, it is time we come to better understand, believe and practice this elementary principle.
Lesson 9 – The Resurrection of the Dead Far more than a promised future event, the resurrection of the dead is a present spiritual reality. Those that have died with Christ are subsequently resurrected in Him - a grace of God appropriated by our faith in the working of God. As our faith grows, the life of Jesus Christ becomes progressively more of the life from which we live and move and have our being.
Lesson 10 – Eternal Judgement Eternal judgment is not something we are waiting for; though it does include two future judgment events. Eternal is without beginning and end. God is judging us right now; and that includes our response to the elementary principles. We must be careful to avoid the peril of not progressing from them.
Lesson 11 – The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit For many, the Holy Spirit is the great mystery of the Christian Trinity. This does not have to be so. In fact, He may be the most relational of the three Godhead personalities; and He wants to be known. This is important for those who want to participate in His work “in our making”, and His work “in our doing”.
Lesson 12 – There is Work to be Done As we come to the last of the lost foundations, we must ask ourselves, "How do we work them out?" First, we must believe; for faith is the gift of God that appropriates His grace for our transformation and His glory. Second, we must walk in the good works for which we have been made; for our faith is made perfect in good works. But, whose works are they; and how do we participate in them?
A Storm is ComingIn 2015, Jonathan Cahn wrote a book, The Harbinger, that prophesied a coming storm for America. Many began to prepare – in a physical sense. We discerned a deeper, spiritual warning; and decided to write a series of articles regarding God’s warning, not to America, but to the church that resides here. The resulting book is available at most eBook stores, including Barnes & Noble, Goodreads, and Smashwords.com. In 2015, Jonathan Cahn wrote a book (The Harbinger) that prophesied a coming storm for America. Many began to prepare – in a physical sense. We discerned a deeper, spiritual warning; and decided to write a series of articles regarding God’s warning, not to America, but to the church that resides here. You can purchase the resulting eBook, or peruse the articles separately. |