(770) 367-7612   rob@inlightconsulting.com

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  Be assured, if you walk with Him, and look to Him, and expect help from Him, He will never fail you.
̵George Mueller
  Workplace Ministry Tips  
  Let a man so consider us, as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God.
Moreover it is required in stewards that one be found faithful.
1Corinthians 4:1-2 

Workplace Ministry Tips are short practical guides (with assignments) that challenge and enable leaders in the Workplace.  They will make you a more effective and productive leader while helping you incorporate Biblical principles into your business/vocation, and the spheres of influence you have there.

Tip #1– Answer God’s Call

Wikipedia defines Workplace Ministry as “evangelism or other Christian activities that are targeted towards the secular workplace.  The term ‘Workplace Ministry’ does include 'evangelism‘.  However it is much broader than that. It speaks to the fact that any Christian can fulfill their desire to serve God in the workplace.” 

Recently, the Workplace has been classified into seven segments:  Business, Government, Education, Media, Arts and Entertainment, Family and Religion.  Other significant subdivisions include the fields of Medicine and Law.  Regardless of the divisions, it is important to recognize that:  Most people spend most of their waking hours in the Workplace; and God desires to impact this huge part of our lives with His hope and love.

As a minister to the Workplace, I am called to encourage, edify and equip Leaders in the Workplace to become disciple making, transformation agents in their communities.  Each month, I hope to share a bit of truth and a “Workplace Ministry Tip” that will help you impact your sphere of influence for the kingdom of God.  So, here’s my first…

Workplace Ministry Tip:  Consider Psalm 37:3-6.  God is inviting every leader in the Workplace to an adventure.  That adventure begins with discovering the desire God has given you for this season.  Ask Him to reveal the desire He has put in your heart.  Surrender to it and it will become a purpose that will not be denied (Job 42:2).


Tip #2 – Don’t Waste the Pain

Hello, again!  I hope you have taken the time to discover the desire God has given you for this season of your life (last month’s tip).  That desire can be found where God has hidden it – in your heart.  Surrender to God, and that desire will become a purpose that will not be denied (Job 42:2). 

That desire will become your next assignment for His kingdom.  Like the addition of a new product line, service or geographic area, your assignment will be an adventure.  For me, it was a whole new career!!

Like most new business adventures, there will be training and transition; there will be challenge and… don’t run… CHAOS.  Like many of you, I have experienced trial and tribulation and watched many go through it.  This economy has given every business owner a taste of chaos. 

The Bible calls these times in our lives transformation (1Corinthians 3:18).  And it is here that we find the good news:  Chaos is normal, and it is intended for our good.  It is in chaos that we find faith and are separated from the character flaws that would dishonor God in our new assignment.  It is during the transformation that we are trained and transitioned for the next adventure.

Workplace Ministry Tip:  Here are 10 keys to persevering through the chaos:

  1. Intentionally recognize the sovereignty of God; all He allows works to our good (Romans 8:28).
  2. Praise Him for His faithfulness (1 Peter 4:19).
  3. Come to terms with the ending of the old status quo; grieve if necessary (Isaiah 43:18).
  4. Recognize this is as much about your transformation as it is about your impending assignment (2 Corinthians 3:18).
  5. Stay focused on Him; distractions are your enemies (Luke 9:62).
  6. Choose daily to surrender, sacrifice and submit (Luke 9:23).
  7. Exercise your faith (Psalm 34:7-19).
  8. Get more relational with the Lord (Hebrews 4:16).
  9. Go with others (Psalm 133).
  10. Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might (Ephesians 6:10).


Tip #3 – Find your BIGGER Purpose

I pray that you, your family, and your business are well and well blessed, in 2013. I hope that you will discover your purpose in the desire of your heart and God's assignment for you and your business.

My desire, and the purpose of inLight Consulting, is to help Leaders in the Workplace find joyful, Spirit-filled ministry. This relates to business in a profound and powerful way. Let me explain.

I dare to say that most business owners and executives find purpose in their profession. While this seems acceptable (even honorable), it is a limited and inhibiting perspective. We need to turn this thinking inside-out. Our purpose in life is much grander than any profession or business entity. These things should be found inside (i.e., serving) our purpose.

One of the primary reasons so many Leaders in the Workplace are unhappy in their profession is because their full purpose in life has been constrained – is being held captive – by the very thing to which they have committed most of their waking hours.

For the Christian in the Workplace, this is particularly problematic; for their purpose in life includes ministry – the good work they were created to walk in (Ephesians 2:10). It is not healthy to allow the things of this world to control and oppress the things of eternity. It limits our imagination and the potential for exceedingly, abundantly greater things (Ephesians 3:20).

Workplace Ministry Tip: Intentionally set aside, in your mind, what your business or profession defines as your purpose. Step back and consider your life in the broadest context possible. Include your heart's desires, your relationships and your burdens for others, and your gifts and talents. Consider your responsibilities as a disciple maker and transformation agent. What does all this say about God's purpose and ministry for you, in this season of your life?

Now, put your business or profession back in the picture – inside the BIG picture. Ask yourself, how does this serve the purpose of my life? I believe you will find yourself suddenly excited about your newfound freedom. Let me know if I can be of assistance.

Your servant and His forever,



Tip #4 – Discover Your Desire

In last month’s tip, I encouraged you to consider your profession/business within the bigger picture of your purpose in life.  You may have discovered that this is easier said than done.  I’m right there with you.  Changing our mindset is certainly a challenge.  I promise you it is worth the effort.  Turning the way you think about purpose and career inside-out will make you free to live a balanced life that God can honor with peace and power.

This month, I want to encourage you to keep searching for the BIG purpose of your life.  Read Psalm 37:4 and consider the following.  Your purpose is most readily found in the desires of your heart.  God put them there before the beginning of time.  He has been orchestrating events to reveal them to you.  He will continue orchestrating events that you would have them.

The desires of your heart may feel like a burden (e.g., for the homeless, or prayer in school).  It may be something you longed to do since you were a child.  It may be a business idea that seemed more like a dream than something you could accomplish.  These are all clues, but I want you to know that the best way to expose the desire is to meet the condition:  Delight yourself in the LORD.

Now, you might think this means to enjoy God’s presence or praise Him.  That is what “delight” means in all the other Psalms.  Here, however, the Hebrew word means “to be soft” – like clay in the Potter’s hand.  The delight that receives the desire comes from a heart that is humble and surrendered.

Workplace Ministry Tip:  As you are making plans for your business, family and personal life, test God in this:  Surrender it to Him and see if He will not bring you into an adventure where your desire becomes His purpose.  If you do, then you can rest on the promises of Job 42:2 and Romans 8:28.  He can be trusted, for He is steadfastly faithful.  What do you have to lose, anyway?


Tip #5 – Identity Your Sphere of Influence

“No man is an island.”  English writer John Donne made this assertion in 1624.  It is a truth that has stood the test of time.  No man (or woman) can survive, separate from the human collective.  This has been proven by science, and witnessed day by day in our own lives.  We cannot live an abundant life without others.  So, why do we try?

First, we try to live in isolation because we are taught that being independent is a sign of maturity.  We are taught to stand on our own two feet.  It is the strong man and woman that don’t need anyone (e.g., John Wayne).  We are encouraged to be the captain of our own ship, failing to realize that everyone else is being taught the same.

Of course, the truth of the matter is we find more abundant life when we live in community.  Ironically (and this is a huge point), the true sign of maturity is becoming dependable – while continuing to depend on others.  The Jewish community is so successful in business because this is their way of life.

Secondly, relationships are hard work.  Ask anyone that has taken on a business partner.  It is difficult to have a partnership when ships don’t normally have two captains – unless those captains discover how to work together.  As an Enterprise Architect at SunTrust Banks, I was constantly working on teams – and it was incredibly difficult.  Why?  Because, in that culture, we were motivated by competition, not cooperation.  It makes me sad to think back on the loss of productivity in those teams.  We could have accomplished so much more in a cooperative culture.

Workplace Ministry Tip:  Identify who God has put in your sphere of influence to share in your marketplace adventure.  Consider that He is motivated to assist you in developing strong relationships with others – peers, partners, employees, other businesses (John 17:20-23).  The productivity and abundant life you will find is well worth the determination and courage it will take to forge successful relationships.   


Tip #6 – Consider the Processes

Here is some great news for Leaders in the Workplace:  The God of the Bible is a process-oriented problem solver.  That’s right – It’s Great News!  First, consider His qualifications.

All of God’s creation operates in process – from birth to death, and everything in between.  Every day is filled with process:  Taking a shower, making coffee, facilitating a meeting, etc.  Granted, some of God’s processes are more mysterious than others, like getting us to work on time, building a strong management team, and our own development as Leaders in the Workplace.

But make no mistake about it:  Give God a problem and He will give you a process to solve it.  The Bible is His story – the grand process that He is orchestrating to get back what was lost in the Garden.  In the process, we are being processed (no pun intended) through salvation, sanctification and transformation.  God has a process for every problem.

Regrettably, we have become an event-focused people.  If it isn’t happening now, it just isn’t happening.  “What have you done for me today?” has become our measure.   This degraded perspective is destroying our businesses and our communities.  The urgent has taken over the important.  It is time we bucked the trend.

Workplace Ministry Tip:  Consider your day as a process, not a random collection of events.  Notice how one meeting connects with the next.  Force yourself to consider the process that each task impacts.  Then step back further.  Consider the week, month and quarter.  Come on, you can do it! 

As you consider the processes of your life, you will discover more than a few problems.  That’s okay because the greatest process-oriented problem solver known to mankind desires to show Himself strong on behalf of those that are loyal to Him.  Include Him in the processes of your day.  You will not find a more concerned and powerful consultant. 


Tip #7 – Be Transformed

I hope by now that you have discovered the desire of your heart – that passion or burden that God placed in you for this season of your life.  It may be funding missions, returning prayer to a local school, or developing a new product that will better serve your customers and create jobs for those that need them.  It can be just about anything.  God is that creative and dynamic.

Remember, that desire becomes His purpose when you surrender to it.  And whatever that desire becomes, you can be sure it will require more of you than you’ve got to give.  Such an assignment from God will require your transformation, and the transformation of your business.

The Greek word for transformation is metamorphoo (one of my favorites).  It reminds me of caterpillars and butterflies.  Have you ever cut open a cocoon?  I haven’t, but I hear it’s pretty messy in there.  The transformation of a person (or a business) is no different.  And it is no less a work of God.

So here’s the good news:  If you are feeling like a caterpillar being turned into a butterfly, take heart.  The experience is normal, and you are not alone.  As they say, misery loves company.  More important, and more true:  Where there is no counsel, the people fall; but in the multitude of counselors there is safety (Proverbs 11:14).  Nothing replaces misery better than a mission (aka, desire).  And we were made to do mission together.

The bad news?  If you haven’t experienced transformation yet, you will.  Or, should you choose to fight it, you will continue being a caterpillar until another cold snap takes you out.  Who wants to be a part of that?  Stubborn or fearful caterpillars, that’s who. 

Workplace Ministry Tip:  Don’t join the company of miserable, frozen caterpillars.  Be strong and of good courage.  Embrace transformation.  And don’t be metamophoo’ed alone.  Find a group of peer professionals that can help you navigate the journey, in the quickest and most profitable way.  If you desire to join such a group, contact me at rob@inlightconsulting.com for more information.


Tip #8 – Discover Balance

Many Leaders in the Workplace are suffering from lives that are way out of balance.  My experience has been that companies, even the ones we own, will allow us to work as hard and as long as we want.  And there is more than a few human natures that encourage us in that direction (e.g., ego, wealth, power).  This has become so common, we seem to have accepted it as normative behavior.

You might be thinking, “Tell me something I haven’t already heard.”  I know.  This is nothing new; and I do not want to load your already chaotic lives with guilt.  That is not the point here.  The point is that unbalanced living is not normal, and it is not necessary.  There is something you can do to begin the journey back to joyful, abundant living. 

Let’s start with a motivational reality check (the truth will make you free):

Leaders in the Workplace have been given authority and influence for a purpose greater than their profession and position.  Our value to God, family and community is inhibited when we allow our vocation to become our self-defining purpose.  As important as our companies and careers are, we are equally responsible to the other areas of our lives.  When we allow one area to dominate the rest, all of them will eventually suffer.

Now that you are rightly motivated, it is time to seek God for vision; for where there is no vision, the people perish (Proverbs 29:18).  Our lives have become far too complicated for us to find our way by stumbling around in the dark.  What difficult thing have you ever done successfully without a vision of success?  

Workplace Ministry Tip:  To find the balanced life we must be balanced in our vision.  Begin by asking God to give you a vision for health in every area of your life.  At a minimum, you should have a vision statement for each of the following areas:  your family life, your personal life, your spiritual life, and your community life.  Do this prayerfully, asking the Lord for direction, wisdom and the strength to press into the abundant (and balanced) life He has promised.  Let me know how I can help.


Tip #9 – Find Your Identity

Christian leaders in the Workplace have lost their identity.  Don’t believe me?  When was the last time you saw the royal priesthood in action?  How about a temple of God being, well, a temple of God?  Smelled the aroma of Christ lately?  Where are the “greater than” works that Christ promised for those who believe?

We have been deceived about our identity in God’s story.  Like the man in James epistle, we have forgotten who we are.  This is particularly important for Leaders in the Workplace, for without a true sense of identity, we are additionally deceived about our authority and influence.  Consequently, we are inadequately prepared to lead the implementation of God’s plans in the Workplace.

Sadly, most Christians have allowed the world to define their identity.  From well-intentioned parents, teachers and pastors, to mean-spirited oppressors, controllers and bullies, we have heard and accepted an identity that is much lower than our Creator intends.  Of course, Satan is behind much of this.  He is conspiring with our carnal nature, suggesting that we settle for less.

Finding and keeping our identity is one of the most challenging and critical battles we will face.  Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy had no idea of their importance in the battle for Narnia until they discovered that they were the kings and queens.  Like them, it is time we discovered who we are – not for ourselves, but for God’s glory and the advancement of His kingdom in the Workplace.  His plan is dependent on our participation in the full identity and influence we have been given.

Workplace Ministry Tip:  Ask yourself, “From whom am I drawing my identity?”  Set aside (at least for a moment) the titles and positions this world has given you.  Now, recognizing that you are a citizen of another kingdom, ask your King to identify you.  Search the Bible for the common and special identities given to the children of the King (e.g., disciple, bondservant, ambassador, king, priest, teacher, and evangelist).  Consider their meaning in relation to your leadership in the Workplace.  Surrender to the Lord making you the Leader in the Workplace He intends.  For help, check out Identity and Influence.


Tip #10 – Develop Kingdom Partnerships

Strategic alliances, partnerships and mergers are common business practices.  Their intent is to create synergistic business relationships – where the whole is greater than the sum of the parts.  Such arrangements can have significant impact on a market; even on an entire industry.  One could argue that the key to the dominance of American business has been our ability to work together for the common good.

It could also be said that our decline has been the result of an insidious infestation of selfish, independent, and divisive motivations.  We have lost the ideals represented by the morals and ethics of the common good.  Capitalism is suffering from a self-inflicted disease.

I am hopeful that there are at least a few captains of industry working on the cure.  I admit that it is far beyond my education and training.  In fact, some might suggest that I keep out of the conversation until I am better qualified to offer a solution; and I tend to agree with them. 

So, instead of offering my own opinion, let me suggest a solution from Someone with far more wisdom.

[Jesus prayed] Father, I pray that they all may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You; that they also may be one in Us, that the world may believe that You sent Me.  And the glory which You gave Me I have given them, that they may be one just as We are one. (John 17:21-22)

Christian businesses have the opportunity to participate in the Father’s answer to His Son’s prayer by overcoming the fears and failings of our current business culture, and intentionally seeking relationship with each other.  In so doing, the glory of God will be manifested in their work (Matthew 5:16).  This is the great hope of Workplace Ministry.

Workplace Ministry Tip:  Seek out business relationships with God’s higher purpose in mind.  Find a group of peer professionals that can help you grow spiritually as a Leader in the Workplace.  These groups are currently up and running in our area.  I would be blessed to help you get plugged in.  Contact me at rob@inlightconsulting.com for more information.

Tip #11 – Fear the LORD

Fear is something we do not like to talk or think about – particularly in business.  Why?  Because we have been taught that to do so is a sign of weakness.  This is a narrow and deceptive perspective.  Why?  Because hiding fear does not make it go away; it only drives it into our subconscious mind, where we are even less likely to deal with it properly.

Refusing to consider the fear in our lives has another, perhaps more profound, impact on our success in life and business.  In our attempts to suppress the fear that cripples us, we inevitably suppress the fear that promises to empower us for success.  That’s right:  There is a fear that is good for us.

The Book of Proverbs promises that the fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge (1:7) and wisdom (111:10), and the source of strong confidence (14:26).  The fear of the LORD leads to a life of satisfaction and protection from evil (19:23).  The right fear can be the best thing for our professional and personal lives.

There is a good and a bad fear.  Jesus put it this way:

4 “And I say to you, My friends, do not be afraid of those who kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do. 5 But I will show you whom you should fear: Fear Him who, after He has killed, has power to cast into hell; yes, I say to you, fear Him!                                                                                                                                      Luke 12:4-5

There are things and beings we should fear, and those that we should not.  Fear can empower us; and fear can paralyze us.  In either case, fear must be considered if we are to benefit from it (the right fear), or deal with it appropriately (the wrong fear).

So, how should you deal with the fears that don’t belong?  For the Christian, it is really quite simple.  Fears are like little dogs with big barks.  Behind every fear there is a lie.  Deal with the lie, and the fear will fly.

Workplace Ministry Tip:  Ungodly fear can be a great tutor in the practice of prayer.  Confess your fear to God.  Ask Him to expose the lie.  Ask forgiveness for your belief in the lie.  Ask God to replace the lie with His truth about the issue.  Believe and reckon His truth to be truth for you.  Take action in light of the truth you have been given.  Contact me for more encouragement in this topic at rob@inlightconsulting.com.


Tip #12 – Measure the Right Things

Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts.Albert Einstein
Have you thought about measurement, lately?  Successful companies measure themselves.  Without measurement, there would be no controls; without controls, there would be no improvement.  Generally speaking, measuring business success factors is a good thing.  But let me warn you, measuring is not always good.

  1. When we hold on to measures too long and they no longer match our goals and objectives, our employees and partners will become confused about what’s important.
  2. When we misrepresent our measures to make ourselves and others more comfortable or impressed, we expose a lack of integrity – jeopardizing our company’s viability in the marketplace.
  3. When we over-focus on one area (or measure the wrong thing) to the detriment of others, we lose sight of all that is important and risk becoming imbalanced in our company performance and production.
  4. When our measures become our motivators and we lose what got us in the business in the first place, we risk losing the very life of our company.

This last item is the most damaging and should be avoided at all cost.  Like the athlete that pushes too hard for just one more hundredth of a second, pulls a hamstring and misses the big race, companies (and people) can become unhealthy if measures take precedent over the desire to create value in a God honoring way.  Vision and mission will always be more powerful motivators than measurements.  Let’s use our tools wisely. 
Workplace Ministry Tip:  Evaluate the measures you are using for your company, your personal/family life and your spiritual journey.  Evaluate the purpose of your measures.  Are they to motivate, or measure progress?  Make the necessary adjustments.  Contact me for more information at rob@inlightconsulting.com.


Tip #13 – Develop Your Marketing Strategy God’s Way

1 Now in the church that was at Antioch there were certain prophets and teachers: Barnabas, Simeon, Lucius of Cyrene, Manaen, and Saul. 2 As they ministered to the Lord and fasted, the Holy Spirit said, “Now separate to Me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.” 3 Then, having fasted and prayed, and laid hands on them, they sent them away.  4 So, being sent out by the Holy Spirit, they went down to Seleucia, and from there they sailed to Cyprus.  Acts 13:1-4

How do you decide which is the next best new market to enter?  Do you apply the systems of the world, or the ways of God?  The approach you choose can make a world of difference.

The leaders of the Antioch church had been richly blessed by the Gospel, and they were hoping God would use them to reach new territory.  Much like businesses today, they were unsure where to expand and who they should send on such an important assignment.  Though they did not have the marketing data that exists today, they might still have been tempted to use the information they had and their reasoning to make the “best” decision.

Had they taken such a strategy, they would have missed God’s purpose and plan; and they would not have sent out their “agents” with God’s power.  We are doing the very same thing when we make our plans and then ask God to bless them.  Perhaps that is why our best laid plans are so feeble and full of misgivings.  Why not try something different?

Workplace Ministry Tip:  Before you make a strategic decision using a worldly approach, make sure God has not prescribed a better way.  If you have given your business over to Him, I am sure He wants to help.  Whatever tools and processes you use to develop a marketing strategy, recognize that their primary function is to support your conversation with the CEO.  Don’t allow them to come between you.  Father knows best.  Contact me if I can help you make more righteous decisions for you and your company. rob@inlightconsulting.com


Tip #14 – Pursue God’s Purpose for Enterprise

I want to encourage you to expand your perspective by considering God’s purpose for enterprise.  Let’s begin with these well known passages:

You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself.  Luke 10:27

And the King will answer and say to them, “Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.”  Matthew 25:40

Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.  Matthew 5:16

Enterprise was created by God to provide man with the means for loving Him; and not just with the money he/she invests in the kingdom.  To love God fully, we must also love Him (by loving others) with all our strength.  Godly enterprise has the power to transform communities through works of mercy and service. 

As Leaders in the Workplace know, the business/vocation we have been given requires much of our heart, soul, mind and strength.  For those that have surrendered all to the LORD, our work is an expression of our love for Him... when it is done for others.  This is the sacrificial love He requires of all His children.

Furthermore, when we do our work for others – to meet the needs of employees, customers and those less fortunate – they will see beyond who we are and recognize the One that gives all good gifts to men.  They will glorify our Father in heaven.  In beholding His glory, they will be transformed (2Corinthians 3:18).

Workplace Ministry Tip:  As you make plans for the remainder of this year, be sure to include at least one strategy and project for the One that you serve.  Include others in the work.  Plan to sacrifice.  Contact me if I can be of assistance. rob@inlightconsulting.com


Tip #15 – Time Management God’s Way

Have you ever thought, “I don’t have time to manage my time?”  You are not alone.  It is ironic how little time people invest in making sure they are making good use of their time.  Worst still, the busier we are, the less time we invest to make sure our busy-ness is worthwhile and profitable.  I recognize this is not news; just consider it a reminder that time is the one thing we cannot get back, or produce.

If you began the year with a strategic plan, and you are like most business owners and executives, you are already feeling the pressure of falling behind.  Perhaps you are reconsidering your aggressive schedule; even thinking of ejecting a few projects that are less likely to impact the bottom line.  Before you do that, consider these three time management tactics:

  1. Establish your calendar before the chaos begins – daily, weekly, monthly, etc.  If the Lord is your CEO, then lay your calendar out before Him (as an offering).  Allow Him to manage your time in His supernatural ways. 
  2. Put to-do items on your calendar.  Treat them like meetings with important clients.  Don’t allow interruptions.  Stay focused.  You have been given the gift of self-control.  Use it.
  3. Don’t let your cell phone manage you.  Set your attention towards God’s voice, rather than that of men.  Return phone calls when you cannot do anything else (e.g., driving).  If necessary, allocate 30 minutes in the middle and at the end of your day to return calls. 

Workplace Ministry Tip:  Remember, business and spiritual growth are processes.  Be patient with yourself and those in your spheres of influence.  Also, decisions are more important than actions.  Setting aside time to make good decisions is one of the most profitable things you can do.  Contact me, at rob@inlightconsulting.com, if you desire assistance with your ministry in the Workplace.


Tip #16 – Purpose in Partnership

There are no coincidences for God’s children – including the people and businesses He brings together in the Workplace.  Partnering with someone for kingdom purposes requires our understanding the partnership in the full context of God’s eternal purposes.  Those purposes are:  To restore His reign in the hearts of His children; to reestablish intimate relationship with them; and, to create His habitation in them.

There are times when God withholds the understanding, or only gives us enough for the day; and we must be obedient with the understanding we have.  However, the vast majority of the time, God wants us to understand our part in His grand story.  For those who are determined to do His will, that understanding will become a truth that will make them free.  It will provide a greater opportunity for faith and obedience; and it will empower them to make disciples and transform their spheres of influence.  Lastly, to the point of your partnerships, it will protect you and others from misguided and unprofitable associations.

Workplace Ministry Tip:  Write down the connections God has established, or may be establishing, in your spheres of influence.  For each one, prayerfully consider how God intends to use them to restore His reign, relationship and habitation.  That means asking Him with a heart willing to take the partnership where He leads. 

If you would like to learn more about this topic, or you believe I can assist your ministry in the Workplace, contact me at rob@inlightconsulting.com.


Tip #17 – Persevere in Doing Good

Here we are, roughly three months into 2014 – time for a check-up.  So, how are you doing with the goals God has established for you this year?  You do have goals, right?  If not, you better get some.  Let me know how I can help

For the rest of you, I hope you have not become distracted from your goals by the urgent; or discouraged by your progress.  Believe it or not, there are some Leaders in the Workplace that have already given up entirely on their goals.  If any of this describes your situation, let me encourage you:

  1. It is not uncommon to become frustrated with goals that have not been established by God.  After all, He is the CEO; and He will direct His resources to meet His goals.  It may be necessary for you to take a mulligan on this year’s planning, and begin again by asking your CEO what He wants you to accomplish with His enterprise.
  2. If you are pursuing His goals, then you may be running into a few challenges – even chaos.  This is normal (say that to yourself).  God allows challenges and chaos to prepare and refine us for the ultimate challenge – letting our light shine for His glory (Matthew 5:16).
  3. We also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance, and perseverance, character; and character, hope; the hope does not disappoint (Romans 5:2-5).  But if we hope for what we do not see, we eagerly wait for it with perseverance (Romans 8:25).

Workplace Ministry Tip:  Spend some quality time reviewing (or establishing) your goals with your CEO.  His door is always open.  Let Him assess the 1st Quarter, and speak into the next.  And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart (Galatians 6:9)

If you would like to learn more about this topic, or you believe I can assist your impact in the Workplace, contact me at rob@inlightconsulting.com.

Tip #18 – Contingency Planning God’s Way

What would you do if you knew another economic storm was coming?  Would you stick your head in the sand?  Would you run?  Be honest with yourself:  What is your tendency when trial and tribulation are clear to see on the horizon?

What do you hope your response will be?  Again, be honest with yourself; and write down your answer.  Seriously, write it down.

God does not act without first giving His people fair warning.  Those willing to respond to God’s warnings are promised eyes to see and ears to hear; and God has given His people a way to plan for the coming storm.  It is good and accepted business practice to hope for the best, but plan for the worst.  Billions of dollars are spent annually on contingency planning.  So here are a few things you can do to contingency plan God’s way.

  1. Be exceedingly, abundantly certain that Jesus Christ is your King; and the CEO of your business (Colossians 3:23). 
  2. Find your platoon; and integrate with them (John 17:21-23). 
  3. Reckon it to be true that nothing in this world can prevent God from accomplishing what He has planned for the one that has surrendered to His purposes (Romans 8:28).
  4. Live for eternity like your life is a vapor (James 4:14; 2Timothy 2:12). 
  5. Know and do the sayings of Jesus Christ (Matthew 7:24-25).
  6. Keep your eyes focused on the glory of the Lord – the primary condition for transformation (2Corinthians 3:18).
  7. Prepare to make the most of your chaos moments (don’t waste the pain); and help others to do the same (2Timothy 2:1-5).   

Let me close by suggesting two things:  First, there is more to do than we are doing (the urgent superseding the important); and, second, we have in us the Power to get it done.  God is working in us to will and do to His good pleasure.  He is the Power Who is capable of exceedingly abundantly more than we can think or imagine.

Workplace Ministry Tip:  Start planning now.  When the storm comes, it will be too late.  Don’t waste the benefit of being able to see and hear what others cannot.

If you would like to learn more about contingency planning God’s way, check out our blog at http://inlight.wordpress.com, or contact me at rob@inlightconsulting.com.


Tip #19 – Leveraging Your Identity

A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.
John Maxwell, Leadership Author, Speaker, and Pastor

Your brand is what people say about you when you are not in the room.
Jeff Bezos, Internet Entrepreneur, Amazon.com

Identity is an important thing – whether it is your personal identity, or that of your company.  Sadly, most of us have allowed the world to define our identity.  From well-intentioned parents, teachers and pastors, to mean-spirited oppressors, controllers and bullies, we have heard and accepted an identity that is much lower than our Creator intends.  Of course, Satan is behind much of this; coercing us to settle for less.

Finding and keeping our identity is one of most challenging and critical battles we will face.  Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy had no idea of their importance in the battle for Narnia until they discovered that they were the Kings and Queens.  Like them, it is time we discovered who we are – not for ourselves, but for God’s glory and for His kingdom.  Experiencing joy and power in His plan is dependent on our participation in the full identity and influence we have been assigned.

Workplace Ministry Tip:  Take time to think outside the box about your identity.  For example, what was Jesus thinking when He said that those who believe in Him would do greater things than He did?  What does it mean to be ambassador, king and priest?  Have you been given a special identity for God’s kingdom?  Refuse to settle for anything less. Contact me, at rob@inlightconsulting.com, for more guidance in the search for your identity.


Tip #20 – Get Out of Your Paradigm

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.Albert Einstein, Nobel Physicist

Is it beginning to feel like you and your business are in a rut?  Is the market passing you by?  Well, maybe you are in a rut; and maybe you are being passed.  If so, it is high time you checked your paradigm. 

What’s a paradigm?  Well, it’s a pattern or model of something – like a sales process, or the way you look at the world.  In a rapidly changing world, paradigms can be dangerous.  They lock us into the way things have always been done.  They oppress the creativity that got us here.  Eventually, they box us out of the market.

Some paradigms are resilient, and should be; but even the most resilient paradigms should be challenged from time to time.  Adjusting your paradigms will challenge your trust in God and your ability to hear Him… and that’s a good thing.  Remember, He loves you and He has an adventurous plan for you.         

Workplace Ministry Tip:  Take the time this month to attend a conference, read a book, or research a topic on the internet that will challenge your paradigms.  Use these as communication tools with God - your CEO.  Surrender to His will and allow Him to free you from the paradigms that are oppressing your creativity.  Contact me, at rob@inlightconsulting.com, if I can help you in this regard.

Tip #21 – Prepare Early to Finish Well

Ministry Tip #21 - Prepare Early to Finish Well

My legacy doesn't matter. It isn't important that I be remembered. It's important that when I stand before the Lord, he says, 'Well done, good and faithful servant.' I want to finish strong. James Dobson

I think it is interesting that most do not think about finishing well until they are near the finish line.  How would things have gone if you had thought about the finish when you started your business or career?  Would you have done something different to prepare yourself and your company to insure you finished well?

Of course, the finishing well that I am talking about is not measured by the things of this world.  It would be wise to consider how we are measuring our success.  There are many that will hear, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”  Regrettably, others will be surprised:

“Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven.  Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’  And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’  Matthew 7:21-23

To finish well, we have to prepare for it.  This is common business sense.  A sales executive doesn’t wait until October to load up his pipeline if he hopes to finish the year well.  The production manager hires and trains well before the delivery schedule on that new big order.

So, have you prepared to finish well?  As they say, “Better late than never.”

Workplace Ministry Tip:  The first step in finishing well is to think about it – in the right way.  Who are you finishing well for?  What does He want to accomplish through you and your business or vocation?  Turn your heart and mind to Him, and start asking the hard questions. 
Contact me, at rob@inlightconsulting.com, if I can help you in this regard.


Tip #22 – Make Prayer a Priority

Workplace Ministry Tip#22 - Make Prayer a Priority

Gentlemen, I have lived a long time and am convinced that God governs in the affairs of men. If a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without His notice, is it probable that an empire can rise without His aid? I move that prayer imploring the assistance of Heaven be held every morning before we proceed to business.  Benjamin Franklin

It is impossible to live the life of a disciple without definite times of secret prayer. You will find that the place to enter in is in your business, as you walk along the streets, in the ordinary ways of life, when no one dreams you are praying, and the reward comes openly, a revival here, a blessing there.   Oswald Chambers

The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.  James 5:16

There comes a time in all of our lives when we are called to prove what we believe.  These days – and certainly those we face – will afford us that opportunity.  What will your actions prove?

Do you believe that the “empire” you are stewarding can rise without God’s aid?  Do you believe that you can be a disciple without definite times of prayer?  Do you believe that the effective prayer of a righteous name avails much?

Every Christian knows that prayer is powerful (at least it’s supposed to be), and nothing of heavenly value is possible without prayer.  So why do we struggle to pray, both individually and corporately?  Why are we so unsure about the effectiveness of our prayers?  Why does it seem that so many of our prayers go unanswered?  I will tell you why:  Satan is trying to defeat us.

The first strategic move in every war is to cut off communications between the forces on the ground and the central command center.  Consequently, much energy and intelligence is focused on keeping the lines of communication open.  The situation is no different in the war we are fighting against our greatest enemy, Satan.  We must be fiercely diligent to defend what we have been given:  The means for effective communication – and relationship – with God.

It is no coincidence that God has made prayer man’s most powerful weapon in the battle for the kingdom.  This is the place where God is most intimate in revealing His plans and encouraging His children.  As we battle with Him through prayer, He establishes His relationship with us.  There is no more important thing we can do in our search for joyful, Spirit-filled ministry.

Furthermore, joyful, Spirit-filled ministry is impossible without the effective fervent prayer of a righteous man, woman or child.  The difference between ineffective prayer and prayer that avails much is vast.  The promises God has attached to prayer are beyond all that we can think or imagine. 

God does very little in the life of a man who does not pray well.  All the “greater than” things are done in and through the righteous one that will fervently pray the Father’s will.

Successful leaders act on their beliefs.  Faith without works is dead!  If you had to choose between meeting with God and meeting with a customer, who would you put off?  Your answer to this question will reveal much about your faith; and your attitude toward prayer.  If you believe in the importance of prayer, you will make it a priority.

Workplace Ministry Tip: 
Don’t risk missing the most important meeting of your day.  Priorities get put on calendars.  Block off the time; and don’t be late.  Get help if you need it.  Prayer is important to us at inLight Consulting.  Please contact me (rob@inlightconsulting.com) if we can pray for you, or help you become a leader that effectively and fervently prays.


Tip #23 – Meet the Baseline Conditions

Workplace Ministry Tip #23 - Meet the Baseline Conditions

We live in a conditional world.  Our lives are filled with a continual rush of “if this, then that”.  If we pay our bills, then our utilities will stay on.  If we treat customers with respect and give them a fair deal, they will return and recommend us to others.  If we hire good people, good work will get done.

God made the world this way; including our relationship with Him.  From the Old Covenant to the New, God’s favor is conditional (e.g., if we love Him, we will obey Him; and He will come and dwell with us).  This is the way God relates to His children – even those in the Workplace.  The wise business man or woman recognizes this fact, responds accordingly, and prospers in the kingdom of God. 

Do you need a breakthrough in your business?  Are you looking for God to show up and “do something”?  Have you ever asked yourself, “What do I have to do to make this thing work?”  Are you still waiting on God to give you the desire He put in your heart?

I believe I have the answer for you – at least a big part of it – in these three simple steps (notice I didn’t say easy):

  1. Surrender:  Psalm 37:4 encourages us to delight ourselves in the LORD, and He will give us the desires of your heart”.  The Hebrew word translated here as “delight” means “to be soft” (like clay in the Potter’s hand).  Our being soft (i.e., surrendered) is a condition for the desires of our heart becoming a reality.
  2. Consecrate:  Before the Israelites entered the Promised Land, they had to consecrate themselves.  Before God would enter the Temple, He required that it be consecrated (set apart for His use).  The same is true for those that served Him there.  The promises of God, and God using us in business, are conditional on our being set apart for His use.
  3. Submit to His Way:  God is working in us to will and do to His good pleasure (Philippians 2:13); to give us His kingdom, beginning in this life (Luke 12:32).  He is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us (Ephesians 3:20).

Workplace Ministry Tip:  As with most things in the world and in God’s kingdom, these three simple steps take practice.  Don’t become discouraged.  Keep seeking the LORD, and you will find Him.  He is too big to miss.  His strength will be sufficient for your needs.  Please contact me (rob@inlightconsulting.com) if I can help you better understand and take these necessary steps. 

Tip #24 – Become a Doer

Workplace Ministry Tip #24 – Become a Doer

Take a moment to consider the CEO who desires to expand one of his divisions into a new territory.  He calls the Division Head into his office to offer him this tremendous assignment.  The CEO commits to do everything in his power to assist his Division Head, including an impressive investment in the venture.

Three months pass by; and it is time for a status of the project.  The Division Head sheepishly enters the CEOs office.

“So how’s the project going?”, asks the CEO.

“Okay, I guess”, is the Division Head’s response.

“Okay?  What do you mean, okay?  Where is your status report?”  The CEO is getting a bit agitated.

“I don’t have one.  To be honest, I haven’t started the project.”

Quickly moving from agitated to angry, the CEO asks, “What have you done with the investment I made?  Where has all the money gone?”

“I decided to pour it into the projects we already had going.”

Let’s stop there for a few questions:  If you were the CEO, how long would this guy maintain his employment with your company?  Would it matter if he told you he was distracted at that first meeting – that he was not really sure what you wanted him to do?  Would that, or any, excuse change your mind about firing him on the spot?

As crazy as this story seems, it is being played out every day all across the kingdom of God.  Don’t think so?  Then let me ask, who is your CEO?  How are you doing with His plans for expansion?  What must He be thinking about those He has positioned as His “Division Heads” in the Workplace?

The answer to that last question is covered quite well in Scripture.  Let’s take a look at two passages.

Therefore whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock:  and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it did not fall, for it was founded on the rock.

But everyone who hears these sayings of Mine, and does not do them, will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand:  and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it fell. And great was its fall.  Matthew 7:24-27

Could you use some extra wisdom in your kingdom assignment?  How about a little more assurance that your “division” will stand during the next storm?  And whatever “great was its fall” means, I hope and pray you are not aspiring for that!!  Or course you’re not, right?

As with the CEO in our story, God has committed to give you everything you need to accomplish His plans for your “division”.  The next big question is:  What are you doing with it?  Jesus spoke to this in the parable of the talents (Matthew 25:14-30).  His words for the one who buried his talent in the ground are sobering indeed:

And cast the unprofitable servant into the outer darkness. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth (v. 30). 

So, I have to ask, are you burying the investment God has made in you?  In light of the consequences, let me suggest you make other plans.

Workplace Ministry Tip:  God has made our responsibility for success in His kingdom quite simple.  Listen to what He says, choose to do it and trust Him for the results.  Really, how hard is it to start a Bible Study?  Or invite your employees on a mission trip, to repair a widow’s home, or to prayer walk a school?  Don’t be deceived by your own excuses.


Tip #25 – Be Free

Ministry Tip #25 – Be Free

 “Nothing to Lose; Nothing to Hide; Nothing to Prove; Nothing to Fear.”  Twelve Words that will Change Your Life and Business Forever, Ray Hilbert, President of Truth@Work

What encouraging words to make us free!  Freedom!  It is one of the greatest things God offers in calling out Leaders in the Workplace; yet it is one of the most difficult to appropriate.  So, for this month’s tip, let’s explore the truths of these words; truths that promise to make us free.

Nothing to Lose – The truth is God has the power to raise up and shut down businesses in a moment; and He is not beyond doing just that.  When we truly reckon this to be true, our minds will be renewed to think about our responsibilities as owners, executives and professionals.  We will be more interested to hear and understand His plans, than trying to work out our own.  We will be free from the fear of loss.

Nothing to Hide - Let’s face it:  If we have something to hide, then we have a bigger problem; for we have a problem with God.  Our problem with Him is either the sin we are trying to hide from others, or it is an issue of pride.  When we come across something we are trying to hide, we should recognize the grace of God in the revelation.  We have been made free from deception; and now free to repent, confess our sin and walk in deliverance (1John 1:9). 

Nothing to Prove - Seeking to prove ourselves is the same as seeking glory from others.  This issue of pride is much more dangerous (and the revelation more merciful) than the sin we may be hiding.  Pride comes before a fall.  The wise man will submit to the Holy Spirit rooting out the pride – being set free from the basest of sins.  Furthermore, we must recognize that the “good work” we are created to walk in is more God’s work than our own (Ephesians 2:10; Matthew 5:16).  Freedom comes when we are satisfied with the proof and glory that God shares with us, in His way and time.

Nothing to Fear - We have explored the issue of fear in previous tips.  Let me know if you need to see them again.  For now, let’s recognize that God provides the grace that we need to get and stay free of the fear of man.  Jesus commanded that we should, instead, fear God.  This too is a motivation and a means of freedom in our Father’s kingdom.

Workplace Ministry Tip:  Reckon these truths for yourself.  Allow the Holy Spirit to use them to renew your mind and make you free.  Use these truths to make someone free in your spheres of influence.  Contact me, at rob@inlightconsulting.com, if I can be of assistance.

Humbly yours and forever His,


Tip #26 – Adopt a Kingdom Context for Annual Planning

Workplace Ministry Tip #26 – Adopt a Kingdom Context for Annual Planning

Well, here we are again; the end of another year – and time to plan for the next.  Hopefully, you have been working this year’s plan (and not the other way around), and it has brought success to your business and the spheres you influence.  Remember, God has positioned you to make an impact for His kingdom.  This is a privilege that should not be taken lightly. 

One way to get serious about your role as a Leader in the Workplace is to plan for positive outcomes.  This may mean something different than you initially think; particularly if you are a follower of Jesus Christ.  Jesus said, “Do not worry about tomorrow?”  While this does not mean “don’t plan”, it does indicate that we should plan in a particular way

Proverbs 16:9 tells us, “A man’s heart plans his way, but the LORD directs his steps.”  This does not mean the LORD follows our plan; for we are also admonished, “A man’s steps are of the Lord; how then can a man understand his own way?”  (Proverbs 20:24)  As you can see, this leaves us in a somewhat vulnerable position.

As Leaders in the Workplace, we are responsible to make the most of the resources and spheres of influence we have been given to steward.  The consequences of not doing so are quite severe.  As humans, we have a propensity to mess up this planning thing.  Consequently, fear drives many into the avoidance trap; an incredibly tragic place to be (Matthew 25:14-30).

With all this in mind, I want to suggest you fight off fear and procrastination, and begin planning for next year with the following context:

  1. Planning is a process of communication.  The owner of your company wants you to succeed and He has the wisdom and resources to make that happen, even in the worst environments.  He enjoys conversations with His children.  Come to Him with expectation; come to Him often.  Check out James 4:13-16 for some greater understanding of this.
  2. Transformation is the primary goal.  Moving your company and spheres of influence from one state to another is the prime objective.  This is both a practical and a spiritual endeavor; and it begins with you.  Consider 2Corinthians 3:18 and Matthew 5:16 as guiding truth.
  3. Plan with a broad perspective.  This has a double meaning.  First, start with God’s eternal purpose.  How will He use you to accomplish His kingdom objectives?  Subjugate you plans to His.  Second, do not forget the rest of your life.  Why would you plan for your business, and not spend the same time and effort planning for the success of your family and other relationships.  Hebrews 10:24-25 speaks to the importance of our relationships in these challenging days.     

Workplace Ministry Tip:  Block off the necessary time to plan for next year in a way that involves and pleases God.  Commit your way to the LORD, and He shall bring it to pass.  Let me know how I can help you rob@inlightconsulting.com.

Tip #27 – Assess Your Relationship Filter

Workplace Ministry Tip #27 – Assess Your Relationship Filter

Business is built and sustain on relationships.  Good hires, synergistic partnerships, mutually beneficial deals/sales.  Discernment is needed – from two perspectives.  The most commonly understood is our discernment of the other person’s façade.  We all have them – consciously or subconsciously.  Few are totally transparent. 

Less understood is affect of our own paradigms:  The way we view the world and the people in it.  Upbringing, fears (real and false), preferences, personality and a dozen other factors affect our initial impressions of other people.  Failure to correct faults in our filter make understanding the value (or danger) of someone else more difficult. 

Here’s a good place to start: 

Search me, O God, and know my heart;
Try me, and know my anxieties;
And see if there is any wicked way in me,
And lead me in the way everlasting.  Psalms 139:23-24

Workplace Ministry Tip:  The end of the year is a good time to assess your business plan, your resources, etc.  How about your relationship filter?  Could you use a little adjustment in the way to view other people?  Ask God for an in depth yearend review.


Tip #28 – Reviewing the Year God's Way

Workplace Ministry Tip #28 - Reviewing the Year God's Way

God is interested in every aspect of our lives. Consequently, planning God's way includes the spiritual, personal/family and vocation portions of our lives. This is sometimes called whole life planning, or balanced life planning.

Furthermore, for Kingdom people, planning God's way must be done in the context of His ultimate purposes. These are the restoration of His reign, habitation and intimacy with His children. This is all review to make the following point.

As we look back on the accomplishments and disappointments of 2014, it is important to review what has happened in the same holistic way that we planned. It would be easy to focus on one area or another. The squeaky wheel gets the grease, as they say.

For many of us, failure and disappointment tend to get an inordinate amount of our attention. If we are not intentional, we may miss what God has done and the opportunity to praise Him for it. We may become trapped in regret and sorrow, failing to see how God has positioned us for the future.

God works all things to the good of those that love Him, to those that are called to His purpose. The activities of our past, and God's involvement in them, help us discern the path He desires for the coming season. Even when He is doing an entirely new thing, our perspective of the past can either blind us to the possibilities of the future, or encourage, edify and equip us for the adventure of a new year.  

Workplace Ministry Tip:  I hope and pray that you consider all that God has allowed in your life in 2014 - the good and the bad; and that you will consider it in the context of His eternal purposes for your whole life, and for those in your spheres of influence. Be intentional to involve God and others in your review. He speaks in community.


Tip #29 – Get Your Head out of the Sand

Workplace Ministry Tip #29 – Get Your Head out of the Sand

If you had your head in the sand, would you know it? We are such busy people these days. We are bombarded with information, whether we want it or not.
I find it way too easy to cruise through my day without really noticing what is important. Am I the only one?

I have a strong suspicion that many of us, and many more in our spheres of influence, are distracted by the world; so much so, that we are missing much that God has given us eyes to see and ears to hear. Most of the time, this is a subconscious action to avoid bad news. Sometimes, it is intentional.

Most don't want to see the picture or hear the story about the persecuted young girl. Most don't want to think about the decline of society. Most would say that they have enough to worry about.

Let me share the truth with you – in love. What I have just described to you is a form of deception. The problem with deception: When you are deceived, you don't know it. That is the nature of deception. Consequently, it is best to assume - or at least be suspicious - that we are being deceived in some way or another. It is one reason why we need to find true Christian community.

On the other hand, the Body of Jesus Christ has the ability to discern the times; and the responsibility to share the truth with others. People in your spheres of influence may not be able to hear, or understand, what you have been given to say; but, they will remember - when the time is right - that you knew something that they did not. They will want to know more.

Sharing the revelation we have been given is our responsibility as ambassadors of Jesus and agents of His reconciliation. It is being salt and light to a needy world. It is being instruments and weapons of righteousness for God's kingdom. It is loving people with the truth.

Workplace Ministry Tip: So, I encourage you - for God's sake - to force open your ears and eyes, to bravely search out the signs of the times, and to boldly share what you are hearing and seeing. Do so with everyone in your spheres of influence. I commit to do the same.

Let me know how I can help you be a Watchman for the LORD, and His people.


Tip #30 – Decide What You Believe

Workplace Ministry Tip #30 – Decide What You Believe

In last month’s Workplace Ministry Tip, you were encouraged to force open your ears and eyes, to bravely search out the signs of the times, and to share what you are hearing and seeing with others. Now it is time to determine what you believe about the revelation you have received. Go ahead; it’s not as hard as you think.
Belief and doubt are functions of the heart (Mark 11:23, Romans 10:10). Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God (Romans 10:17). So, ask your heart what it believes; and ask God if you are missing anything. Both will have something to say – something that will have a dramatic impact on your life, and the lives of those in your spheres of influence.

Chaos has a way of proving what we believe in our hearts. That opportunity is coming (for some, it has already begun). In His mercy, God will help you challenge and fortify your faith before the chaos becomes severe. He speaks in both our quiet times with Him and in our community with others. A good place to begin is Psalm 139:23-24.

Workplace Ministry Tip: Here are some sample questions you can ask your heart: What do you believe about the chaos that is going on around you? Do you believe it will get worse? What do you believe God would have you do to prepare - if anything? Do you believe God will deliver you through whatever He allows in your life? These and other important questions will come to you, if you will take the time to allow them.

Let me know how I can help you in this regard; and let me know what you are hearing from the LORD. You can reach me at rob@inlightconsulting.com.


Tip #31 – Become a Transformational Leader

Workplace Ministry Tip #31 – Become a Transformational Leader

But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord. 2Corinthians 3:18

God is the Great Orchestrator of our lives. If He has placed you in a position of leadership, it is highly likely that you have been through at least one season of transformation; where He used the trial, affliction and/or tribulation in your life to transform you more into the image of the glory of Jesus Christ.

Most of us look back on these seasons with mixed emotions. We would rather not go through it again, but we are grateful for the work the Holy Spirit accomplished though the tough season. He did not waste our pain.

And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. Romans 8:28

It encourages us to know that God works all things to the good of those that love Him. He uses our seasons of transformation to make us more like His Son. Incredibly, it doesn’t stop there.

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort those who are in any trouble, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God. For as the sufferings of Christ abound in us, so our consolation also abounds through Christ. Now if we are afflicted, it is for your consolation and salvation, which is effective for enduring the same sufferings which we also suffer. Or if we are comforted, it is for your consolation and salvation. And our hope for you is steadfast, because we know that as you are partakers of the sufferings, so also you will partake of the consolation. 2Corinthians 1:3-7

God uses our seasons of transformation to equip us as disciple makers, to help others prosper through the trials in their life. As we disciple others, they in turn are prepared to do the same.

Beware: The world will say, “Don’t get involved in your employees’ lives.” This is the way of man, not God. There are no coincidences with His children. We must trust Him if we are to become transformational leaders.

Workplace Ministry Tip: It is an honor to suffer for the kingdom of God. God trusts us to use that season as preparation for helping others. This is true disciple making. To maximize our pain, in our positions of leadership, we much help others become more of the image of the glory of our Lord. It is the gift that keeps on giving.

Let me know how I can help you in this regard; and let me know what you are hearing from the LORD. You can reach me at rob@inlightconsulting.com.


Tip #32 – Humble Leadership

Workplace Ministry Tip #32 – Humble Leadership

Much has been said about servant leadership; and much has been written. I would like to offer a deeper perspective. It begins with a familiar verse:

For all those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted. Luke 14:11

Most of us would admit that our success has more to do with others than with our own efforts – particularly those of us that understand the power of God in our lives. We know what it means to be proud (to exalt ourselves); and most of us agree that it is not a good thing. We know that “pride comes before a fall”; and so, we try to avoid becoming prideful. This is a good thing.

But, what about being humble? Does avoiding pridefulness automatically result in humility? Is being humble a passive activity? I suggest to you that it is not.

Sitting down, Jesus called the Twelve and said, “Anyone who wants to be first must be the very last, and the servant of all.” Mark 9:35

It is noteworthy that wanting to be first is not a bad thing. The way we get there is the issue. Those who exalt themselves will be humbled. Those who will be last, and the servant of all, will be exalted by God. This is His promise, and the promise of His Son.

The way this happens, and what it looks like, is a mystery; and it is likely different for every Workplace Leader. However, each one of us can be confident in this important leadership principle. If you will be a humble servant of all, you will know His pleasure and support.

Workplace Ministry Tip: Assuming you have dealt with the pride in your life, look for the areas where you can humbly serve those you are leading. It is the path to exaltation in the workplace.

Let me know how I can help you in this regard; and let me know what you are hearing from the LORD. You can reach me at rob@inlightconsulting.com.


Tip #33 – Invest Wisely

Workplace Ministry Tip #33 – Invest Wisely

Imagine for a moment that you are a good and faithful steward of a rich man’s estate. As that good and faithful steward, you would be encouraged to hear your master say, “Well done, good and faithful servant; you were faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things.” It would be right to expect such a response to your wise investment of his resources.

This is true in the world; and more so in the kingdom of God. In fact, these are Jesus’ words; words He used in the Parable of the Talents (Matthew 25:14-30). It is His desire to reward those that take their stewardship seriously. He is looking for those that will invest His talents faithfully.

As we consider this issue of kingdom investment, it is important to start by recognizing that God doesn’t need anything from any of us.

The earth is the LORD’s, and all its fullness, The world and those who dwell therein. Psalm 24:1

If I were hungry, I would not tell you; For the world is Mine, and all its fullness. Psalm 50:12

If God doesn’t need anything from us, why are the consequences so tragic for the wicked and lazy servant (verse 30 of the Matthew passage)? Clearly, God takes His investments in us seriously. So should we. The economy of His kingdom is important to understand and follow.

It is important to note that the good and faithful steward was investing, not for His own gain, but for that of his master; that is what makes him “good and faithful”. He is not looking out for his own prosperity, but for the profitability of his master’s kingdom. Selflessness is key in the kingdom of God.

Recognizing this, we begin to understand that God’s purpose for His investment in us is our testing and training, and the expansion of His kingdom. It is His heart’s desire that we share in the rule of His kingdom. It is also true that He desires to use us, with the talents He has entrusted to us, to bless those in our spheres of influence.

In closing, let me encourage you with two more thoughts about the “talent” of this parable. First, the talent represents more than money; it is all that God has invested in you. Second, good and faithful servants invest all that has been given to them. They leveraged everything entrusted to them for the master’s purposes.

Workplace Ministry Tip: If you have buried any part of your talent, dig it up and put it to use. Take inventory: What has the Master entrust to your stewardship? Now is the time to start investing your talent wisely; for the time is growing short. Invest all you have for the Master.

Let me know how I can help you in this regard; and let me know what you are hearing from the LORD. You can reach me at rob@inlightconsulting.com.


Tip #34 – Employee Relationships

Workplace Ministry Tip #34 – Employee Relationships

God has a way for everything – including a Workplace Leader’s relationship with his employees. There have been many books – both secular and Christian – written on the subject. We read so much, sometimes we lose track of the more basic principles. As a quick reminder, consider these simple, but critical ways of God for employee relationships:

The principle of making disciples: The Christian Workplace Leader should recognize that every person they hire is someone that God wants to use them (the leader) to disciple. No, this does not (necessarily) mean you have to spend 90 minutes a week with them in formal Biblical training. It does mean that, as the leader, you are responsible, in the workplace, for their spiritual growth.

The principle of peace: Peace in the workplace is evidence of the manifestation of the Holy Spirit. Even in the trial and tribulation of termination, the peace of God that transcends all understanding should be present – particularly in the leader. Furthermore, the leader is responsible for keeping the peace in the workplace; protecting the environment from unnecessary inhibitors to the Holy Spirit’s supernatural peace.

The principle of hope: Every employee should know where lasting hope is to be found – even those that are not followers of Jesus Christ. They need to learn that true hope is not found in their job or their paycheck. No one should leave your company without knowing, from you, this eternal truth. As you might imagine, it is best not to wait until their termination to share what you believe

Workplace Ministry Tip: Reexamine your management policies and procedures in light of these principles. Make the necessary changes, and train your management team in their implementation. Inspect what you expect.


Tip #35 – Find Personal Margin

Workplace Ministry Tip #35 – Find Personal Margin

It occurs to me that the lack of margin in our lives is more than a threat to our business, family and personal lives. It is one of the greatest threats to the body of Christ. Why are most Christians trapped in stale and unfruitful ministry? Because they do not have time to consider their spiritual growth; much less, make the changes necessary for it to actually happen.

But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord. 2Corinthians 3:18

And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. Romans 12:2

There is no time for transformation, so we resist it; much to our harm, and the harm of those in our spheres of influence. We are being conformed to the world by our worldly thinking. What has happened to us?

Thus says the Lord: “Stand in the ways and see, and ask for the old paths, where the good way is, and walk in it; then you will find rest for your souls. But they said, ‘We will not walk in it.’” Jeremiah 6:16

It seems we have lost the old ways. We have been slowly deceived into thinking that progress and promotion in the world is more important than our transformation into the very image of the glory of Jesus. How could we be so foolish?

As leaders in the workplace, it is time we set the right example for those in our spheres of influence. If we won’t lead them, how much more deceived with the church in America become? It is a sobering and fearful thought. Someone has to make the break. Why not us?

If we confess our sin, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sin and to deliver us from all unrighteousness. 1John 1:9

God has a purpose and plan for delivering each one of us from the overload we have allowed in our lives. Seek and you will find; ask and it will be given to you.

Workplace Ministry Tip: Ask the LORD to search your heart regarding this issue of overload. Start with Psalm 139:23-24. Lay hold of the desire God has put in your heart for the margin needed to grow in Christ Jesus. Contact me, at rob@inlightconsulting.com, if I can be of assistance.


Tip #36 - Control Internet Use

Workplace Ministry Tip #36 - Control Internet Use

Leaders in the Workplace have been empowered with many different tools and methods to eternally impact the lives of those in their spheres of influence. God knows our frame and He knows the environment that He created for our work. He has raised us up into positions of authority, with a plan to glorify His name, establish His kingdom, and push back the darkness in people’s lives. His plans include the expression of His love through authority and discipline in the Workplace.

When a business owner or executive puts internet monitoring and controls in place, and uses them to lovingly manage his employees, healing and salvation are the result. Consider these examples:

  1. Employees become more productive; thus increasing their value to the company and their earning potential. Earning more, they are better able to support their families, fellowships, and others in need.
  2. Discovery of the impact of distractions in the workplace enables employees to see the danger of distractions in their family and spiritual life. They are encouraged to focus on the value of time and energy spent with family and God.
  3. Though painful, the discovery of addictions to pornography, gambling begin a process whereby the employee can be set free from the destructiveness of sin. Their eyes are opened to the subtle and sinister deception of the Enemy in other areas of their life

Studies have shown that the investment associated with internet monitoring is easily justified by increased productivity. Much more, it is an investment of the “talents” given to us by the Master; an investment that will further His kingdom and bring Him pleasure.

Workplace Ministry Tip: Research, select and install the internet monitoring and control service that is right for your company. Develop internet usage policies and procedures for your company. Execute a monitoring program to expose the most egregious violations. Be prepared to leverage the outcome of this program for the glory and kingdom of God.


Tip #37 - Don’t Compartmentalize

Workplace Ministry Tip #37 - Don’t Compartmentalize

Good sound business practice does not always work well when applied to life. As businesses grow and become more dynamic and complicated, it is good practice to establish departments with specialized responsibilities and dedicated resources. Regrettably, most people try to apply this principle to their lives, only to find it is not God’s way.

God did not intend for us to live compartmentalized lives, where work, family, ministry, etc. are separated slices of a pie (or pieces of a puzzle). Life just doesn’t work that way. It is too dynamic to operate like a business.

Compartments lead to compromise. When work and family are separated, one of them will suffer; and we know which one generally loses. Proactive integration creates a synergy that empowers them both. Keep in mind that practice is preceded by desire and intention.

The same is true with work and ministry. Jesus does not divide Himself to fit into the separate compartments of our life. He must have it all to fill it all. Integrating ministry into the workplace may be difficult and frightening. However, it is God’ desire to own the whole pie and operate in every piece.

Workplace Ministry Tip: Ask the LORD to show you His desires and plans for the integration of your life. How might your family participate in your work (e.g., prayer for meetings)? How does your work support your family - beyond your paycheck? How would God use you as salt and light in the workplace? Lay hold of these desires, and share them with others in your spheres of influence. Look for the blessings of the Lord as He de-compartmentalizes your life.

Contact me, at rob@inlightconsulting.com, if I can be of assistance.

Humbly yours and His forever,
Rob Streetman
President, inLight Consulting, Inc.


Tip #38 – Choose Your Path to Success Carefully

Workplace Ministry Tip #38 – Choose Your Path to Success Carefully

Getting ahead in business requires more than working hard. One must work harder than the persons ahead of them; for those persons, being ahead, have both distance and resources as their advantage. This is the character of a carnal system.

Not everyone who says to Me, “Lord, Lord,” shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, “Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?” And then I will declare to them, “I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!” Matthew 7:21-23

In the same way, many Christians work hard assuming hard work will automatically earn God’s blessing in their business or profession. As good as it sounds, this is the way of the world. The followers of Jesus Christ must remember that whatever is not from faith is sin (Romans 14:23). God does not reward sin. He rewards the obedient work of faith.

Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the rhema (i.e., spoken word) of God (Romans 10:17). Before working hard to get ahead, be sure you know that you have God’s will for your work. BTW: It is not God’s will for you to neglect your intimacy with Him, your family and the body of Christ.

Workplace Ministry Tip: As you would any strategic meeting, set aside time to meet with God; that you might come to understand the plan He has for you. Reckon the truth concerning success in the kingdom of God: God rewards the obedient work of faith. Work hard at the work He has willed for your life.


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